Family Ministry Programs
We believe that a knowledge of the Word of God and an understanding of its application to daily life is essential in the winning of people to the Kingdom of God and to growing believers in their walk with Christ. One way we do this is through our Christian Education classes and our Youth and Family Ministry programs.

(Ages 0 - 2 years)
Available: Sunday Worship Gathering and Christian Education Classes
What to expect: You must sign your child in and out of the Nursery. Please provide your child with adequate supplies including bottles, formula, diapers and wipes. Please let us know if there are any dietary concerns for snacks.

Children's Education
(2 years - 5th Grade)
Available: 9:30am - Noon (depending on age of child)
What to expect: Fun, Bible study, snacks
Please let the attendant at the check-in station know if your child has special needs / dietary issues. For more information, click here.

Youth Ministry
(6th - 12th Grade)
Available: Sundays 11:00am - Noon, Wednesday nights 6:00pm - 8:30pm
What to expect: Fellowship, Bible study, and support
For the Youth Ministry's Facebook page, please click here.

Adult Education
(18+ years old)
Available: Christian Education Hour (11am - Noon)
What to expect: Fellowship, Bible study and support
For all of class listings, please click here.